Regular Events
Weekly Halaqa

We host numerous events throughout the year. Whether it's an inspiring discussion with a community leader, an intense game of basketball, or a fulfilling community service event, MYSTL provides many opportunities for you to get involved.
Check out this page to learn more about our regular activities and find out which events we'll be holding soon!
Our weekly halaqas are our most regular events, providing an environment of motivation, knowledge, and reflection specifically geared towards the youth.
We generally follow up the halaqa with sports or other fun activities.
Featured Annual Events
Interfaith Youth Iftar
Join us for food and fun with people from different faiths! This is the third annual Youth Iftar, and if the other two were any indication, you should defintely be there. Attendance is free, but tickets are encouraged.
- Location: Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis
- Timing: 8:30 PM (After Maghrib Salah)
Join us this July and August for our annual Boys summer swimming. Please check the above calender for more details regarding dates, timings, location, and cost.
Annual Seminar
Every fall, we hold our annual seminar, which brings scholars from throughout the country to St. Louis a weekend-long event designed to benefit all.
Be on the lookout for more details as we get closer to November!
Boys Summer Swimming
Girls Summer Swimming
Join us this July and August for our annual Girls summer swimming. Please check the above calender for more details regarding dates, timings, location, and cost.

Summer Camp
Boys' Youth Iftar
Inshallah, Muslim Youth of St, Louis and Project Downtown STL will be hosting our First Annual Boys Youth Iftar on Sat June 25th, 2016 at Masjid Bilal (West Pine Masjid).
Food for both Iftar and Dinner will be provided for free. Please join us for this special event and spread the word!
Every summer, we hold our most popular event: Our annual summer camp. With rafting, barbeques, bonfires, and and more, this is an experience you cannot miss!